The #ЖитьПоддержимДругДруга (Live Support Each Other) project is a collection of stories about people and for people.
"What does "hold on" mean? I'm near. I'm with you"
We unite people who are ready to help, support and say: "I am with you."

Our project is a collection of stories of patients, doctors working with serious diseases, as well as doctors who themselves became patients and fought against these diseases.

Doctors, like all people, are not immune from cancer and go through the same difficult way to recovery through incomprehension, denial, pain and fear, learn to accept help, which can also be quite difficult sometimes, and look at their patients in a new way.
Ekaterina Ivanovna Gonchar
is a gynecologist, who was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer in 2018. Her first thoughts were: "Life goes on, and you are watching a dream and as if, it is not about you." Then chemotherapy, looking for a doctor for surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, surgery without breast preservation, radiation therapy, targeted therapy followed.

As a cancer patient, she learned from personal experience how charitable foundations can help, how to get advice from an onco psychologist and other support. Now Ekaterina Ivanovna is working again and sharing psychological and informational support with her patients who were also diagnosed with cancer.

Interview with Ekaterina Gonchar
Timeline of the interview:
About the project #житьподдержимдругдруга
(Live Support Each Other)
Medical history and treatment
About her doctor
About upcoming breast reconstruction surgery
About the help of foundations and communities
"I have started treating my patients differently"
Do Ekaterina Ivanovna's patients know about her oncostatus?
About specific types of support from charitable foundations
What one should not say to a cancer patient
"Our relatives sometimes feel even worse"
4 ways to recover from the disease
About breast reconstruction as a way to recover from the disease
On the development of medicine in the field of oncology
S. Fedorov's book "The Child of Fortune. How I Survived Cancer"
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